
Welcome to the Corporate Rejects Podcast! I am your host, Amanda Davila, and I am so glad you found me!

Corporate Rejects” came to me as I was really hashing out how completely terrible it is for many moms to be working in a corporate setting, which generally does not make it easy on moms (or any woman!)

As I connect deeper to my feminine energy and really see how motherhood can be negatively impacted by all of the negatives that come along with working outside the home, I have been called to make an impact in this area.

This is why I am so passionate about building a community of fellow Corporate Rejects – mothers who want to continue to have something for themselves, but also be amazing moms. We reject corporate standards, such as having to return to work immediately after childbirth, burst at the seams because we aren’t given the time or space to pump breastmilk, deal with threats if we need to stay home with a sick child…the list goes on and on.

I do not believe we were meant to work to death just to survive and then die. Yet so many of us end up in this toxic cycle. I am here to help empower and guide you towards the life you desire.

What you can expect: Lots of loving guidance and solid advice; an abundance of laughter; the occasional well placed F-bomb; guidance and education on becoming a work at home mom; support as you grow your business and move into the CEO role. No BS, no perfection, no expectations.

Follow me on IG: www.instagram.com/theamandadavila